Diane Detalle and Billy Zane expose their oeuvres in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat

Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat celebrated this year’s 120th anniversary. On this occasion, the month of May is dedicated to art and will receive many artists. While the Espace Namouna hosts the exhibition “La Beauté à nos pieds” by François Chapelain-Midy until May 26, the Neptune Hall will serve as a showcase until May 19 at “Odyssée”, an exceptional exhibition showcasing in light the voice of two contemporary artists: Diane Detalle and Billy Zane.

The idea of ​​bringing together these two artists is in the spirit of commissioner Rachel D. Vancelette, known for their world expertise. When you enter the Neptune room, the harmony between the works of these two artists is obvious. The abstract forms of the paints invite the visitor to an imaginative, contemplative and visual voyage. It is not for nothing that the exhibition is called “Odyssey”: the works of Diane Detalle and Billy Zane evoke the sea, the idea of ​​travel, of departure towards a terribly attractive stranger. Certainly the styles of these two artists are different but they have one thing in common that brings them together: they paint on the ground. Moreover, during the duration of the exhibition, they will offer live paintings, thus revealing their techniques to visitors. The day before the opening, we were treated to a private tour of the exhibition by the two artists who commented on their works for us and discussed their work and their techniques.

A return to sources by Diane Detalle

For Diane Detalle, this exhibition definitely has a special flavor. Although she was born in Nancy, she grew up in Cannes before settling in London and then New York where she first worked in finance. She has been painting for over twenty years but this is the first time that she is exhibiting her ella works in France. It is regulated on the Côte d’Azur because it has a house in Antibes. This is where there is a certain emotion that is prepared to welcome her relatives and her friends in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat for this exceptional exhibition.

Diane Detalle introduced us to her works: colorful and dreamlike landscapes, like invitations to travel. She usually paints on the ground, using a palette knife and she often adopts dripping techniques. When we contemplate her paintings, we are struck by the vitality and emotion that emerge from them.

The cinematic surrealism of Billy Zane

Forever, Billy Zane’s name will be associated with “Titanic”. In the legendary film of James Cameron, he plays Cal Hockley, the one Rose (Kate Winslet) was destined for, before she preferred Jack (Leonardo Di Caprio). It was on the set of the film, in 1997, that his career as a painter began. As he told us, he often takes advantage of the free time that filming gives him to paint. Are you influenced by him? Cinema obviously; He paints mainly according to his inspiration from him and by showing improvisation. His paintings, abstract, combine the colors, with the materials found and recycled. He often works with a combination of textured effects and interpretation. It adapts depending on the location, depending on the film sets where it is located. He most often paints from outside, under natural daylight, and flat. These work conditions encourage a kind of controlled chaos, “beautiful accidents” as he puts it. In Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Billy Zane presents several paintings, several more complements. On the outside of the Neptune hall, he was keen to exhibit one of his works, as an invitation to enter his universe of él and to make us participate in his él journey. The exhibition is called “Odyssey”: a title that evokes the act of Greek origins, which ceases to travel for his work. Besides, he knows the Côte d’Azur well. He has already produced paintings on the private Paloma beach in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat. As an actor, he was honored at the Monte-Carlo Film Festival de la Comédie and his most successful at the Cannes Festival.

Billy Zane will be the assistants on the Croisette in the last few days, to speak in particular of “Waltzing with Brando”, which is a product and in the last one. Alongside Camille Razat, Tia Carrere and Richard Dreyfuss, he played Marlon Brando in the early 1970s, in a little-known period of the actor’s life. With his friend the architect Bernard Judge, he had the project of building an ecologically perfect house on a small island near Tahiti. In anticipation of seeing the film in France (the date of the release is not yet known), we must hurry to admire the “Odyssée” exhibition in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat where the paintings of Billy Zane rub shoulders with those of Diane Detail in a harmonious dialogue.

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